A firm team led by Tim Prudhoe representing 3 groups of clients on challenges by way of judicial review of refused applications for Islander status was successful in quashing those rejections and requiring reconsideration of the revived applications. A total of 35 such applications are impacted and amendments to legislation are expected to necessary so as to give effect to the court’s ruling. A challenge said to be impossible to win. Won. (6.7.24) IMO of the Turks and Caicos Islander Status Ordinance (CAP. 5.05) (CL-211/22; CL-244/22; CL-229/22; CL-1/23; CL-2/23; CL-4/23; CL-7/23 & CL-13/23) [2024] TCASC 27 (5 July 2024) – TCILII

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